A customer seeking the services of Always There Automotive’s Geelong mechanics for a roadworthy certificate was shocked when their very tidy late-model BMW did not pass its first roadworthy inspection.
As far as the customer was concerned the prestige German automobile was in fine condition and the roadworthy certificate should have been just a formality. Yes, at a quick glance the BMW did look okay. But a quick look is not what you receive when you visit Always There Automotive for a roadworthy inspection.
Our team of qualified mechanics have worked hard to become a VicRoads Licensed Vehicle Tester and we take our obligations very seriously, fastidiously checking each and every vehicle that comes to our workshop, not just when they’re in for roadworthy certificates but for any mechanical work.
Close scrutiny of the BMW revealed a dangerously worn tyre. Check out the video below and you’ll see that from one angle the tyre looks fine, but from another angle, only visible from underneath the vehicle, the tyre is seriously damaged and posed a genuine and serious danger to the vehicle’s occupants and other road users.
Geelong roadworthy inspection reveals danger
When our mechanics showed the BMW’s owners the images we took of their vehicle’s damanged tyre they were so glad we found the issue before their tyre blew out while they were driving.
As you can see on the outside of the tread and in the centre the tyre doesn’t look too bad. But when you see the angle from underneath the vehicle it’s clear that the tyre is beginning to delaminate and is an extremely dangerous accident waiting to happen!
With a new set of tyres this BMW passed its second roadworthy inspection without a problem!
If you’re require a roadworthy certificate in Geelong, make sure you visit Always There Automotive where we treat each and every vehicle as if it’s our own. Please contact us to book your vehicle for a professional inspection.